Some of the most successful women in the world may be building business empires, perhaps earning distinguished honors, but, frankly it’s not their title, fancy Fendi bag, or perfect blow out that distinguishes them. They’re the boundary pushers. Game changers. They are the women who drive our motivation and imaginations, merely by their example. If …
We’re all familiar with the stats: Women are less like than their male colleagues to apply for a job if they aren’t 100 percent qualified. Women are four times less likely than their male colleagues to ask for a raise. Women speak less often at meetings than their male colleagues yet, when they do speak …
Out of all the Fortune 500 companies, only 5% have women CEOs. Despite the abundance of talented women in the business world, the proverbial “glass ceiling” remains a challenge. While women’s representation in markets and boardrooms isn’t where it ought to be, it’s definitely improving. Women are now graduating from college at a higher rate …
In recent years, Israel has secured its position as the “Startup Nation,” functioning as one of the world’s most developed technological epicenters. Having established a distinctive high-tech ecosystem, Israel, a country with a population of only eight million, continues to celebrate its innovative capacity with one of the largest density of startups globally. Numerically, Tel …
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The aim of the program is to double the number of such initiatives supported by the authority within two years. The Israel Innovation Authority, the government’s tech investment arm, announced on Wednesday the launch of a grant program for female-founded startups. The grant aims to double the number of female-led initiatives supported by the authority …
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New York City is home to 359,000 women-owned businesses (and counting), which employ over 190,000 people and generate $50 billion in sales annually. While female entrepreneurship is experiencing a gloriously steep incline, there are still significant gaps to close between ownership, employment, and sales of men- and women-owned businesses. According to a landmark study of NYC women …
An ex-banker launches a fashion startup that makes luxurious women’s suits and shift dresses that live up to 18-hour days at the office.In her former life as a banking executive, Joanna Dai sometimes worked 18-hour days and regularly walked out of 10-hour flights directly into business meetings. She was up to the rigors of her …
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Bumble has just announced a fund to invest in female founders, noting that last year female founders got just 2% of all venture capital funding. While this is great news, there is another industry bias worth exploring which is not about women founders, but products for women. Products aimed at the female customer are being …
Continue reading “Why Tech Products For Women Are Underfunded And Why This Is A Great Opportunity”
Women entrepreneurs have two choices: Accept the status quo or move toward a philosophy of authenticity to shatter ceilings and bring down barriers. I endorse the latter. If you are a woman in business, you won’t be surprised to learn that gender stereotyping prevents many female employees from advancing to C-suite levels. What you might …
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After 15 years in the tech industry, I’ve learned many things the hard way. There are plenty of things I wish I knew when I started working in tech 15 years ago. Jumping into any new role or working in a new industry that you’re not always familiar with can feel overwhelming and even intimidating. …
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What does it mean to be a woman in business in 2017? We wish that were a simpler question. It was a year when female CEOs set a Fortune 500 record: When the list published, they held 32 of the top jobs. Yet it was also a year when the uncomfortable realities that professional women often …
Only 8% of venture capital (VC) firms in the U.S. have female partners, and that lopsided gender composition may be hurting venture capital performance portfolios. The evidence suggests that having no female partners makes VC firms less likely to invest in female-founded or female-led firms. But what much of the VC world might not realize, …
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Entrepreneurship was once considered a man’s domain, but the tide has shifted: More than 9 million U.S. firms are now owned by women, employing nearly 8 million people and generating $1.5 trillion in sales, according to 2015 data from the National Association of Women Business Owners. “While the numbers are growing, there are still too few …
Continue reading “7 Challenges Women Entrepreneurs Face (and How to Overcome Them)”